Muscles through whey
If you are looking for a protein powder with fast bioavailability and an excellent amino acid profile, you will inevitably come across whey proteins, because they can be metabolized incredibly well by your body and offer a comprehensive amino acid profile, especially for competitive athletes. Our ultra-filtered Irish whey protein isolate and concentrate is rich in essential amino acids like BCAA and EAA, but also offers a very high proportion of L-Glutamine with which you can start your regeneration get a decent boost. Especially after training, it is important to provide your body with fast and easy-to-use proteins. For this reason, our whey protein is often used as a post-workout shake by experienced athletes.
What is protein? It’s clear that without protein we can’t do anything. Proteins are involved in the stabilisation of body tissue, organs and our immune system. How much protein can you take in with food and how much protein helps you to build up muscles? The “International Society of Sports Nutrition” recommends 1.6 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram body weight per day. For a man weighing 80 kg, the protein requirement would be covered to a maximum of 160 g.
Quality perfect taste!
All flavors, composed with much love. Tasty & Creamy, even if you just dissolve it in water Perfect in yogurt, cottage cheese dishes and pancakes with organic certified ingredients and no added sugar.Produced in E.U under controlled quality standards.
We have invested a lot of time in the development of our Whey proteins, because it was important to us to create a protein powder that fully convinces in terms of taste, mouthfeel and solubility without the addition of sugars. In addition, we had to find a raw material whose amino acid profile and nutritional values matched our high demands, which was not so easy! Now, despite all the hurdles, we can proudly present you our Whey Protein in 4 perfect Flavors, which will probably still be looking for their equal for a very long time.
The hard power workout is done? Perfect! Now your muscles are longing for the necessary nutrients. A quickly prepared 100 % Whey Protein shake is exactly the right thing. Half an hour after training at the latest, the creamy pleasure should flow through your palate so that your hard work can be converted into muscle mass in the best possible way. Whey Protein has also an important task before training: it supplies you with protein even during peak performance. With the 100% Whey Protein you are always on the right side.
They should actually be known as the three musketeers of muscle maintenance. Instead they are called Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. Exactly these BCAA´s (branched-chain amino acids) fulfil numerous vital functions in human metabolism and are an important part of the muscles. Essential amino acids can only be taken in through food. Leucine in particular boosts muscle growth. That is why you will find a higher proportion of it in 100 % Whey Protein – in the ideal mixing ratio of 2:1:1 (Leucine to Valine to Isoleucine). Exactly this ratio is ideal for supporting your muscles.
Fast, faster, whey protein. Whey protein is natures fastest protein. Like all proteins, whey protein is made up of a series of amino acids. But in terms of its quantity and composition whey protein is set apart from other proteins; the body is therefore able to absorb it particularly quickly, making it available to support muscle growth.
Its rapid absorption means that whey protein is good to take immediately before and after training. Whey proteins not only support the growth of muscle mass, they also support the preservation of existing muscles and normal bones.
The most important benefits of whey proteins at a glance:
whey protein is absorbed by the body at a very fast rate
whey protein supports muscle growth
whey protein helps preserve muscles
whey protein has a very high BCAA content
whey protein contributes to preserving normal bones
whey protein contains barely any carbohydrates or fat